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montage of farm animals and tractors
 We are natural.
We are traditional, but forward thinking.
We are eco-friendly.
We use native breeds.
And we are right in the middle of the fertile Fens.

We are Bramblebee Farm

We are a first-generation regenerative farming family, committed to tried-and-true farming methods but with an eye on innovation, that strives to produce the best livestock .

We raise a mixture of hardy native breeds Aberdeen Angus, Beef Shorthorn, Hereford and Belted Galloways all crossed with Galloway Bulls. Our cattle are completely grass fed, grazing our own meadows and in the summer months the RSPB wetlands at Welney where they create an ideal habitat for all things natural, helping with the Bird Conservation.
We also raise our famous Bramblebee Old Spot pigs, which are bred from resilient native breeds and eat the best cereals from our own fields and our neighbours. Although being slow to grow, Old Spot pigs boast a slightly higher fat level, which is perfect for the taste buds. They spend their lives outdoors in family groups producing all the pork we need.

Join us on Facebook and Instagram, where we're always looking for ways to titillate your taste buds.

Who owns Bramblebee Farm?

Meet the 'Days' - Paul, Maria, Samantha, Harry, Elizabeth and Emily.

First-generation farmer Paul started working on farms on weekends at the age of 13 and continues to do so to this day. His wife Maria is a head veterinary nurse in charge of the health care of all the farm animals and has been doing this from studying at college where animal welfare was the first course she undertook.

Bramblebee Farm really is a family business, with Pauls son Burt and his friend Kyle happy to muck in with anything tractor or livestock related whilst his daughter Elizabeth likes to feed the animals and adopt any animal she finds even if it's not a farm animal!


Our ethos

Here at Bramblebee farm we work with nature, not against it. By our fields we have planted hedging and trees along with a nice pond in one of the fields.

We do use chemicals when they are really needed to control weed problems but we much prefer cutting or grazing to control weed populations and to work with clovers and vetches for our nitrogen just adjusting with artificial when really needed - judged either by experience or soil samples.

We have started growing our own wheat and barley, using this valuable resource on our farm for animal feed, making us more self sufficient and sustainable - also perfect for our corn fed laying Hens.

Farmyard manure will be at the forefront for natural fertilizer helping to build better soil diversification at the same time. We are using lower sowing rates to help with bacteria problems within the crop. Whole corn (producing wheat into silage) will be used in black grass control along with rotation and spring cropping.



You can follow our continuous farming story and see our latest developments on our social media channels Facebook and Instagram